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Corporate Counsel: Meeting Governance And Compliance Needs

Editor: What role do you see the corporate lawyer and particularly corporate counsel playing in the approach to corporate governance that has emerged in the wake of the scandals? Ide: I believe that an essential element of that approach is rebuilding trust in the corporation as an institution and...

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California Online Privacy Protection Act Of 2003

Often at the forefront of privacy issues, California has enacted a law that took effect on July 1, 2004 and is likely to affect every business with an online presence that collects personal information - even those without any obvious California ties. Overview Of The Online Privacy Protection Act...

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Mediation As A Means To Resolve Intellectual Property Disputes

Consider this scenario:1 A number of years ago, ABC company approached XYZ company about developing technology that, if successful, would be highly beneficial to XYZ's business. At the time, ABC lacked the funds to develop the technology. XYZ was interested and was willing to invest up to $1,000,...

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Project BioShield: An Update From McKenna Long's Frank Rapoport

Editor: We interviewed you on Project Bioshield for our November issue. For starters, would you give us some of the background on this undertaking? Rapoport: Project BioShield originated in the President's State of the Union Address in January of 2003. It derives from the events of September 11 and...

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Professional Risk Management: A New Day

Editor: Can you tell us something about your extensive career as an author and speaker in the area of insurance law and risk management? Evans: In the professional risk management area I have authored two books, A Practical Guide To Legal Malpractice Prevention and Purchasing Legal Malpractice...

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Private Banks As Agents Of Environmental Protection: The Equator Principles

Responding both to public pressure and financial risk, private lenders are becoming more concerned about the environmental and social risks their borrowers' projects may create. Rather than experiment with different approaches to identifying these portfolio risks, the major banks agreed to...

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Corporate Secretary: A Position In Transition

Editor: Please give our readers something of your background and experience. Wardell: After Harvard College and Harvard Law School I practiced first in Chicago with Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw, then in Boston, principally with Sullivan & Worchester. In 1988 I went into business with a former...

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