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Big Data – Mitigating Risks And Finding Benefits

Since the rise of the PC, there has been a massive accumulation of data. In fact, according to IBM, 90 percent of information ever created has been created in the past two years.[1] The term “big data” is used to characterize this buildup of data that is too large to be collected...

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Trends In Legal Technology: An Ever-Evolving Toolkit

Editor: Tell us about your professional background. Pittman: Academically my background is primarily in economics, with some computer science thrown in for good measure. I started out in financial systems and then moved into the commodities trading industry – consulting with trading...

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Cloud Computing And E-Discovery: Maximum Gain, Minimum Cost

Cloud computing’s cost savings and quick return on investment is frequently making headlines in many sectors, including legal.[1] With litigation and e-discovery on the rise, it’s important to cut costs without sacrificing quality, and cloud computing is the new “go-to”...

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Corporate Counsel

RFP Considerations For GC Stakeholders

Introduction Over the last 10 years, my company has had the opportunity to issue, as well as respond to, many requests for proposals (RFPs). Having been on both sides of the table gives us an interesting perspective. RFPs are a staple of many organizations’ procurement processes;...

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Corporate Counsel

Keys To Creating A Successful Inside-Outside Counsel Partnership

In an age when the Internet and technology reign supreme and data is increasing exponentially, the future of litigation is changing. Corporations don’t have time or money to waste on stagnant legal plans and murky details; everyone is now operating in real time and decisions need to be...

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The False Economy Of In-House ESI Processing

I like steak. I've become pretty good at grilling my own. Of course, I have to buy the steak and prepare the grill and season the meat and light the charcoal and build the fire and clean up the mess and make the side dishes, but the results can be quite tasty (if time-consuming). Of course, being...

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Breaking Through Babel Without Breaking The Bank

Those who are familiar with the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel cannot help but marvel at the way the Internet has erased the ancient boundaries among most nations. Indeed, the current global economy requires most businesses - and certainly all large ones - to participate daily with markets...

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