Articles & Interviews


Big Data – Mitigating Risks And Finding Benefits

Since the rise of the PC, there has been a massive accumulation of data. In fact, according to IBM, 90 percent of information ever created has been created in the past two years.[1] The term “big data” is used to characterize this buildup of data that is too large to be collected...

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Trends In Legal Technology: An Ever-Evolving Toolkit

Editor: Tell us about your professional background. Pittman: Academically my background is primarily in economics, with some computer science thrown in for good measure. I started out in financial systems and then moved into the commodities trading industry – consulting with trading...

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Cloud Computing And E-Discovery: Maximum Gain, Minimum Cost

Cloud computing’s cost savings and quick return on investment is frequently making headlines in many sectors, including legal.[1] With litigation and e-discovery on the rise, it’s important to cut costs without sacrificing quality, and cloud computing is the new “go-to”...

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