Barry Bauman

Lawyers for Civil Justice (LCJ)

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Recently by Barry Bauman

Message To Corporate Counsel From Lawyers For Civil Justice (LCJ): Please Express Your Support For Proposed Rules Governing E-Discovery No Later Than February 15

Barry Bauman is the Executive Director of Lawyers for Civil Justice (LCJ). Editor’s Note: Links to underlined references can be found on the version of this article on our website at On August 15, 2013, the Federal Civil Rules Advisory Committee...

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Civil Justice

Why Rule Reform? Why Now?

On December 5, the general counsel of four major American corporations urgently called upon their outside counsel to fully engage in the ongoing effort to support the proposed revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure pertaining to discovery and e-discovery. Their clarion call, issued...

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Corporate And Defense Bar Leaders Coalescing Around New Procedural Rules Reform Initiative

A growing national chorus of leading academicians and corporate and defense counsel are coalescing around efforts to make fundamental reform to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure a reality as the Federal Judicial Conference Rules Committees continue their program to study and review meaningful...

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