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Higher Authority: The Supreme Court Sets Its Sights On Patent Rights

Since 1982, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ("CAFC") has had jurisdiction over patent appeals, and has attempted to bring greater uniformity and predictability to patent law.1The CAFC has fashioned precedent generally perceived as strengthening patentees' rights. The Supreme Court...

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Effective Investigations Require Skilled Litigators

Editor: Tim, you have conducted internal investigations for clients in the U.S. and overseas. Why does your role as a litigator equip you uniquely to perform an internal investigation? Harkness : A litigator's skills in collecting, organizing and assessing evidence as well as...

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Deferred Compensation Arrangements: The Clock Is Ticking On §409A

Editor: Mr. Ritter, would you give us an overview of Kramer Levin's Executive Compensation Group? Ritter: There are six lawyers in the group providing expertise from a variety of practices, including tax, labor, ERISA, litigation, corporate governance and corporate securities. We are engaged in...

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Supreme Court Offers Guidance Regarding Numerous Employment Issues

The current United States Supreme Court term is a watershed for employment law jurisprudence. The Court has ruled on or granted certiorari to address a wide variety of issues ranging from claims of employment discrimination, matters of labor law, questions arising in connection with arbitration,...

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Electronic Discovery: The Great Metadata Debate

Metadata - which is embedded "data about data" - may reveal information about an electronic document's creation and modification, including who authored or commented upon a draft, and what edits or other contributions were made to the final document. As guidelines continue to evolve for the...

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Proposed Amendments To The New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program Would Dramatically Reduce The Availability Of Tax Credits

Governor Eliot Spitzer's January 2008 budget bill proposes significant amendments to the Brownfield Cleanup Program Act (the "Act"). The budget bill proposes amendments to the Act in two stages. Interim amendments would become effective immediately and would expire upon enactment of permanent...

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Women In Litigation

Editor: Please tell the readers about your background and professional experience. Rochon : I attended New York University Law School where I was a member of the Law Review . After graduating, I clerked in the District Court of New Jersey and in the United States Court of Appeals for the Third...

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