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A Favored Alternative To Reorganization In Bankruptcy - Section 363 Of The Code

Editor: Please describe your practice areas. What has been your relationship with technology companies that are seeking assets of financially stressed or bankrupt companies? Gilden: I have been practicing law with technology companies for approximately 25 years; for the last 13 years, together...

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A "Switch-Hitter" Looks At Current Arbitration Issues

Editor: Mr. Oberman, will you give our readers some idea of your professional background? Oberman : My resume, for these times, is concise. After graduating from Columbia College and Harvard Law School, I clerked for Judge Milton Pollack in the Southern District of New York. I then joined Kramer...

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Executive Compensation: Major Changes On The Way

Editor: Please describe your professional background and principal practice area for our readers. Ritter: My background is in tax, ERISA and executive compensation, and my practice involves representing senior executives and highly compensated financial professionals in connection with the...

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"You've Got Mail!" Can Sending An Email Be Enough To Establish Personal Jurisdiction?

In our e-commerce society, companies routinely exploit the ease of technology, with parties on opposite sides of the country - and even the world - conducting business without leaving the office. Agreements are sometimes executed via cyberspace that ultimately may result in litigation. Even...

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Enforcing Property Rights In Confidential And Proprietary Information - Recent Success Stories

Two recent disputes illustrate the success employers may achieve when they seek to protect their confidential and proprietary information. In Bryant v. Mattel Inc. , a case pending in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, Mattel, maker of the Barbie doll,...

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The Supreme Court Reverses A "Freakish Rule" - Title VII Protects Employee Interviewed During Internal Investigation

In late January 2009, the United States Supreme Court decided Crawford v. Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County , 129 S. Ct. 846 (2009), a case that will force employers to revisit their internal investigation policies. The plaintiff in Crawford claimed retaliation when she and...

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After The Big Bang: The New Credit Default Swap Landscape

The Big Bang bell has sounded for participants in the credit default swaps industry. As part of an effort to enhance the infrastructure of the CDS market, increase transparency, foster operational efficiency and, last but not least, promote asset fungibility, market participants have developed...

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