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A Fresh Look At The FCPA

Editor: Please briefly describe your practice involving both foreign and domestic corporations in relation to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Cook: My Foreign Corrupt Practices Act practice consists of four primary components: (1) assisting companies as they investigate possible violations and...

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A Diversity Integration Process Par Excellence

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background and whether or not you are still involved with diversity? Orr: Yes, I am and have been all of my professional life. At the University of Michigan School of Law I was a member of BLSA (Black Law Students Association) and served both as the...

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Social Networking Policies: Best Practices For Companies

Rudimentary forms of social networking have existed for more than a decade, but the past few years have witnessed an incredible increase in the use of social networking tools (sometimes called "Web 2.0"). Time spent on social networks now exceeds time spent on email, signaling a social, business...

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Should The Iqbal Pleading Standard Be Overruled?

Editor: Mr. Katsas, please summarize your career in the Justice Department. Katsas: I joined the Justice Department in 2001, as the Deputy Assistant Attorney General responsible for overseeing the Appellate Staff of the Civil Division. In 2006, I became Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General...

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China Is Booming: M&A Opportunities Open The Door

Editor: Tell us about your background. Zhang: I am a native of Beijing. After I completed my education there, including a graduate law school program, I went to the U.S. for another round of legal education and began to practice in the U.S. in 1989. Since 1989, I have been working on China-...

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2010 Open Enrollment Alert - Under Gina No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 ("GINA") became law on May 21, 2008. GINA was designed, among other things, to prohibit a group health plan or group health insurance issuer from collecting genetic information from or about an individual or family member prior to or in...

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Department Of Energy Announces Loan Guarantees For Commercial Technology Renewable Energy Generation Projects

The Department of Energy issued a funding announcement on October 7, 2009, designed to provide a total of up to $750 million in loan guarantee funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,1 to support from $4 billion to $8 billion in loans for conventional commercial technology...

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