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Current Tax Policies Handicap Our Global Companies

Editor: Ray, please describe your firm's practice. Wiacek: Jones Day is one of the largest law firms in the world, with significant offices in the most important business and governmental cities in the world - from Washington to London, from New York to Tokyo. Our tax practice is consistent with...

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Some Ways In Which Dodd-Frank Affects Non-Financial Companies

Mr. Barragate is one of the Co-heads of the firm's Financial Institutions Litigation and Regulation Practice. This interview primarily addresses provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that affect nonfinancial corporations. The following Q&A provides general information and should not be used or...

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Ignoring The Long-Term: Proxy Access, Say-On-Pay And Disenfranchisement Of The Retail Shareholder

Editor: Please describe your practice. Thomas: I am a public company M&A lawyer whose practice has evolved to cover corporate governance, which now represents about half of what I do. Being a corporate governance advisor, I am in board and committee meetings over 100 times per year. My...

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Business Method Patents And The Impact Of The Recent Supreme Court Decision In Bilski

Most attorneys are not surprised to learn that it is possible to patent a unique design for an automotive engine or an innovative medical technique. But, patenting the idea for a method to hedge risk may raise the eyebrows of even the most seasoned attorney. Since the late 1990s, a significant...

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Energy: The View From Jones Day's Dallas And Houston Offices

Editor: Please tell our readers about your respective practices. McLaurin: I began practicing law in the mid-1970s and have witnessed the ups and downs of the oil and gas industry. I focus primarily on M&A transactions and financing in the energy sector and on joint ventures where...

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Sports Business Cases Challenge League Power

Editor: Can you briefly describe your backgrounds for our readers? Nager: I chair Jones Day's Issues and Appeals Practice. I've argued 13 cases in the United States Supreme Court, including the recent American Needle case and the earlier Dagher joint venture case. Although employment law is...

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One Firm Worldwide - Covering Pro Bono Globally

Editor: Two years ago you were chosen to be the full-time, firm-wide partner in charge of Jones Day's pro bono activity. What are your major accomplishments so far? Parcher: We have been able to forge new relationships with numerous outstanding non profit organizations that are really...

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