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Keeping The Facts (And Advice) Straight: Recognizing And Preventing Conflicts Of Interest When You Hire An Environmental Consultant

When your company is faced with remediation responsibilities at a contaminated site, you will almost certainly need an environmental consultant. The consultant will be the company's "face" with the agency and at the same time your trusted advisor, orchestrating a sampling strategy, interpreting the...

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How To Evaluate The Possibility Of An Injunction Post- eBay: Where You Are And Who You Are May Be Determinative - Part II

Part I of this article described the four-factor test for granting an injunction for patent infringement, pointing out the nature of the parties and their relationship may be determinative of the court's willlingness to grant an injunction. I. Location, Location, Location Venue is one of the...

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How To Evaluate The Possibility of an Injunction Post-eBay: Where You Are and Who You Are May Be Determinative - Part I

A patent gives its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, or offering to sell the patented invention.1 Historically, courts interpreted these rights to include granting injunctive relief to the patent owner unless exceptional circumstances apply.2 Since the United States...

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Some Key Planning Opportunities Under The Pension Protection Act Of 2006

On August 17, 2006, the President signed into law The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (the 'Act'). While the Act itself is 900 pages and includes numerous changes to our country's pension laws, this article summarizes various highlights of the Act which provide individuals with estate and income tax...

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Practical Strategies For Satisfying Preservation Obligations - Part II The Components Of An Effective E-Discovery Preservation Plan

As discussed in Part One - Why A Preservation Plan Is A Critical Component Of Any Electronic Discovery Protocol, the new electronic discovery obligations imposed by advanced technology require that companies develop, implement and maintain an effective preservation strategy. The component parts of...

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Practical Strategies For Satisfying Preservation Obligations - Part I Why A Preservation Plan Is A Critical Component Of Any Electronic Discovery Protocol

In the wake of several recent case law decisions in which companies have been sanctioned for failing to preserve and produce discoverable electronic data, many companies are rightfully concerned about how best to satisfy their obligation to preserve "e-discovery" in the event of a litigation. See,...

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Tackling Public Interest And Constitutional Law Projects

Since 1990, Gibbons, Del Deo, Dolan, Griffinger & Vecchione has sponsored the John J. Gibbons Fellowship in Public Interest & Constitutional Law, a unique program dedicated to tackling the key issues facing the courts today. Under the guidance of John J. Gibbons, former Chief Judge of...

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