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Prime Due Diligence For Second Lien Lending

"A thorough review of the Subject Company's loan documentation - extensive in most cases - by legal counsel to and the managers of the Lead Investor/Lender is essential . . ." In an article entitled "Return-Hungry Investors Snap Up Riskier Loans" in The New York Times on April 6, 2005, it was...

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Pro Bono - Law Firms Defending Our Freedom: "If They Can Do This To The Guantanamo Detainees, They Can Do It To Me."

Editor: Would each of you gentlemen tell our readers something about your professional background and experience? Gibbons: After graduating from Harvard Law School in 1950, I served a clerkship with this firm and joined it as an associate when I was admitted to the bar. I practiced with the...

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Pennsylvania/New Jersey - Law Firms Gibbons Opens Philadelphia Office: Building On 80 Years Of Excellence

Editor: Please tell our readers about your background. Marston: After completing my education at Maryville College and Harvard Law School, I served in the U.S. Navy as a gunnery legal officer. I then joined a large Philadelphia law firm and went on to serve as legislative counsel for U.S....

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New Jersey Appellate Court Rules That Mandatory Drug Testing Of Job Applicants Is Lawful

In a case of first impression in New Jersey, the New Jersey Appellate Division has rejected a challenge to an employer's requirement that all job offers be conditioned on the job applicant's passing a drug test. Vargo v. National Exchange Carrier Association, 376 N. J. Super. 364 (2005). John Vargo...

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Project: Corporate Counsel - Law Firms Avoiding Surprises In Today's Post-Enron Climate

Editor's Note: The purpose of this series of interviews is to explore how law firms partner with corporate counsel to assist them in their efforts to meet the challenges of the New Legal Environment (including Sarbanes-Oxley, the revised Organizational Sentencing Guidelines and other requirements...

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Natural Resource Damage - Corporate Hazard Ahead

The nation faces no shortage of contaminated sites requiring remediation. The federal National Priorities List (NPL) includes 1,237 contaminated sites, see , and most states have their own lists of contaminated sites as well. (The state in which I practice, New Jersey, lists thousands of such...

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Recent Developments Affecting New York Corporate Political Action Committees

A principal method corporations use to engage in campaign activity is the political action committee ("PAC"). The corporation forms a PAC composed of corporate officers, who are appointed to the PAC by the corporation's board of directors. The PAC solicits contributions from employees, and decides...

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