Lewis Stark

EisnerAmper LLP

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Recently by Lewis Stark

Gaming | Hospitality | Technology

Increase the Odds of Licensing Success: Leveraging a brand in the gaming industry can be a lucrative bet with proper controls in place

The value of intellectual property in the marketplace is ever expanding, and when you consider licensing, that value could have a very precise dollar figure attached. Licensing arrangements can provide corporations with a handsome additional revenue stream, one outside of their core business, and...

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Intellectual Property

Forging Win-Win Royalty Deals: Clear terms, fair dealings are the path to success for licensors and licensees

Properly reporting and accounting for royalties can be challenging and complex for licensees. Ensuring that your licensees are operating as intended and paying you properly can be daunting for licensors. However, no matter how technical royalty and contractual obligations may be, there are a...

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Royalty And Contract Compliance Services: A Practice Focused On The Entertainment Industry And Beyond

Editor: Mr. Stark, would you tell our readers something about your professional experience? . Stark: I have been a CPA for over 15 years, and I started my CPA experience with a Big Four firm. Then I joined a business management firm in Los Angeles. It was there that I began my royalty and...

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