Articles & Interviews


Judges Are People, Too: Getting To Know Your Judge By Doing A Judge Study

Introduction A few years ago, an attorney for whom I had prepared a judge study sent me a T-shirt that read, “A Good Lawyer Knows The Law, A Great Lawyer Knows The Judge.” While the T-shirt was surely tongue-in-cheek and was meant to suggest something underhanded on the part of the...

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The Right Burden For Proving Patents Invalid: Supreme Court Decision Pending

At this writing, the Supreme Court is deciding a question that could dramatically change the face of many patent trials:What evidentiary standard should be used in decisions regarding the validity of a patent? In this article, we consider how jurors reckon with invalidity challenges, and how...

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Increasing Predictability In Employment Case Results

This is the second in a two-part article on the management of employment litigation disputes. The first was about evidence considerations in employment disputes ( see "Evidence Considerations in Employment Disputes" in the 2010 October edition of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel ) . This part...

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