Jon Resnick

Applied Discovery, Inc.

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Recently by Jon Resnick


The Implications Of Pippins v. KPMG For The Preservation Of Evidence

Parties’ discovery obligations in potential class and collective action cases recently became even more complicated. On February 3, 2012, U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled against KPMG’s objections to the...

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Roundtable: Technology Offers Proactive And Defensive Solutions

Editor: The New York Times recently reported that the Internet - including the cloud and social media - has become a dangerous place. Do you agree? Resnick: Yes, the Internet can be downright deadly if your company does not have the proper policies and protocols in place to ensure that your...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Experts Discuss Arbitration Versus Litigation - A Roundtable

Editor: What are your thoughts about mounting criticism that arbitration is becoming as costly and time-consuming as full-scale litigation? Dreier: The ideal arbitration is one where there is (1) an impartial arbitrator familiar with the field of the dispute (or a fast learner), (2) controlled...

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Developing A Value-For-Services "Litmus Test": Applied Discovery And The ACC Value Challenge

A few months ago, Applied Discovery made a convincing argument to general counsel to re-evaluate their service providers based on the tenets of the Association of Corporate Counsel's Value Challenge. The Value Challenge, launched in 2008, has fostered discussions among clients, law firms, and...

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Taking The Value Challenge Beyond Law Firms And Clients: Making Your Electronic Discovery Providers Step Up

Even before the economy deteriorated, the Association of Corporate Counsel began seriously examining the value relationship between law firms and their clients. Since the ACC Value Challenge program's official launch in September 2008, the financial struggles of many law firms have only...

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