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Technology-Driven Change in Media and Entertainment

An interview with Akin Gump’s Marissa Román Griffith.

CCBJ: Advances in mobile video and wireless technology have sparked an explosion of innovation in streaming and other services. How is that changing the industry?

Marissa Román Griffith: Advances in technology are...

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Media | Technology

Buckle Up! Regulatory Turbulence Ahead for TMT: Profound changes could include bumpy ride for net neutrality

Introduction: It's not so much a question of whether there will be changes to the regulatory environment in the TMT sector under the newly installed Republican administration, but how far and how fast change will proceed. We asked two keen TMT observers from Akin Gump, Tom Davidson,...

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Gaming | Hospitality | Media | Technology

Hospitality Industry Should Welcome Web Accessibility: Compliance can be challenging, but the gains can be significant

The hospitality industry is ever more dependent on the internet and mobile applications. Websites and apps are now the primary face that a hospitality provider presents to the world, and to their guests and customers until they are physically present. Loyalty programs are increasingly web and app...

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