
Law Technology Digest

What a deal!

Jeff Brandt, Editor of PinHawk's Law Technology Digest Newsletter, discusses on Doug Austins recent post about the new Apple/OpenAI partnership and how it can benefit all apple users.

In his post today, Doug Austin goes into greater detail on the Apple/OpenAI partnership. Some serious deal making occurred as Apple gets ChatGPT for free! Doug writes, "Nor is OpenAI paying Apple for unprecedented access to iPhone, iPad, and Mac users. Instead, mass distribution is the valued commodity, not cash. Partnering with OpenAI gives Apple the chance to offer splashy generative AI capabilities to consumers and keep investors happy." "The more people use ChatGPT, the more OpenAI's expenses rise. And the integration into Apple devices - while optional for users and limited to the company's recent products - threatens to add significantly to the computing budget." Which means that Microsoft has made out in the deal as well "since OpenAI pays Microsoft for hosting ChatGPT on its Azure cloud servers." (and they weren't even directly involved!) Read more at eDiscoveryToday: Apple Will Get ChatGPT for Free from OpenAI: Artificial Intelligence Trends

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