
Law Technology Digest

Tense matters - Law Technology Digest

I wanted to reach back to yesterday's feeds to an article that Stephen Embry wrote. This declaration that AI is "it." I think I object to the verb tense. The Richard Tromans quote I think is perfect here. "It's a game changer when the game has changed." With all due respect, the game hasn't changed yet and no amount of wishful thinking makes that so. Stephen writes, "Never underestimate the power of lawyers to resist change." In my 20s I did that. I wondered why certain technologies never got to be the game changers I thought they should. I guess you can say that in the intervening decades, I've grown more realistic (or jaded - or both). Steven concludes, "So for all these reasons, I think change-even with the great potential for disruption in LLMs and AI-will be slow in legal, just as it has always been." I think he is 100% right. For more of his reasoning, read more at TechLaw Crossroads: Generative AI and Legal: Its Not a Game Changer Until the Game Has Changed

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