
In Law Departments We Trust

According to Tom Hartley, CEO of LOD (formerly Lawyers on Demand), trust is transforming law departments. In the introduction to a newly released survey, Hartley lays out his case: "It's tempting to view 2020 and 2021 as one protracted and indistinct period," he writes, noting that the term "Blursday," one of Oxford Languages' defining words of 2020, was coined to capture the disorientation brought on by lockdowns. "Despite the haziness of the past 18 months, we have witnessed meaningful changes in legal departments – transformations, not just tweaks." The most important change has been a "meaningful uplift" in trust across organizations and their legal teams, he says. "We've seen organizations trust their lawyers more, lawyers trust their business colleagues more and in-house leaders trust their teams more. Trust is a powerful enabler of both productivity and well-being." For more information, check out the survey from LOD, a global legal resourcing business created via the merger five years ago of Lawyers on Demand, launched by law firm Berwin Leighton Paisner, and AdventBalance.

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