
Law Technology Digest

If this is the culture you have... - Law Technology Digest

I'm linking these two posts together as they relate to senior management's view on firm employees. First up we have Paul Hastings in the news for a slide deck that had listed "nonnegotiable expectations for junior colleagues." (The easiest place to see the slide is on Twitter. Reactions to the list cover the range of negative emotions and up into neutral and humorous. My favorite quote comes from Foster Sayers, "if this is the culture you have, all the DEI programs you have are not going to matter." In looking at the list the only real shocker to me was the $850 hourly rate and the fact that "I don't know is never an acceptable answer." (Although for $850 an hour... maybe it is?) In the ILTA podcast we have Harriet Joubert-Vaklyes talking to Jennifer Bluestein and Chris Boyd. While billed as dealing with "non-attorneys" the first part of the podcast talks about the attorneys. The divide is disappearing in some firms and more evident than ever in others. It really does depend on the firm's culture. I'm sure we could apply Mr Sayers quote in this context as well. If you work at a law firm and don't have your JD, be proud in the fact that it also takes your skills to make the firm operate. Read more at:
The National Law Journal: 'I'm Aghast': Viral Paul Hastings Presentation Garners Strong In-House Reaction
International Legal Technology Association podcasts: The Scourge of the "Non-Attorney" Heading

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