
Law Technology Digest

Down the rabbit hole

Jeff Brandt, Editor of PinHawk's Law Technology Digest Newsletter, discusses how annual reports have increased by 500% since 2022 and discusses the John Jenkins post discusses the increase as well what this can do for the future of AI.

John Jenkins writes, "According to a new report from Arize AI, the number of Fortune 500 companies citing AI-related risk factors in their annual reports has increased by nearly 500% since 2022, with 281 companies currently addressing AI in their risk disclosures." And then in a second post takes the opportunity to highlight the AI Risk Repository created by FutureTech Group (a group of MIT researchers). I thought the two posts make a great pairing as we are forced to identify more risk with our AI programs. I referenced this repository in an earlier highlight and I've started digging into the database more. It's fascinating and if you start to skim it, be prepared to end up down the rabbit hole. At your own risk, read more at Corporate Counsel:
Artificial Intelligence: Fortune 500 Risk Factor Disclosure Soars
Artificial Intelligence: MIT's "AI Risk Repository"

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