
Law Technology Digest

Book list

Jeff Brandt, Editor of PinHawk's Law Technology Digest Newsletter, discusses how ILTACON gave some new insights into the changes and new additions to genAI and shares the books on AI he recommends reading before summer officially comes to a close.

I'm still buzzing with all the new insights shared with me on genAI at ILTACON, so I don't think I need to add anything to my reading list right now. Besides the end of summer is about a month away and I'm not sure you could read and digest these six books on AI in that short time frame. So keep this list in your back pocket as a four-season list. If genAI is not your thing there are many other"lists' of interesting books in this post. A bookish hat tip to Stephen Abram as you read more at McKinsey & Company: What to read next: books on AI

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