
Law Technology Digest

#BeBetter - Law Technology Digest

Thanks to Doug Austin I was able to get an initial overview and thanks to some readers my education on the latest LegalWeek issues was furthered. In some ways I want to say I wish I could stay isolated and deal with my own issues rather than hear all these disgusting stories. I have to shake my head and wonder what the hell is wrong with us as an industry? I certainly understand that every apple barrel has a few rotten ones in it, but knives? I just have to wonder. Doug links to a post by Shimmy Messing, who witnessed some of these heinous events first hand, and he writes "Like Farrah Pepper and CAT CASEY have said 'this was not a problem with Legalweek. This was just another week in legal'. And like Deeanna Fleener has pointed out it's 'not all men'. But it is affecting EVERY woman." He goes on two write, "The men in the industry don't, for the most part, have to think about who we are with or where we are going. We understand that you are, and we are committed to a future where you feel the same way we do. We naively assumed that in a post #metoo / #timesup world, things had improved. They haven't and we didn't notice." The reminders are a good ones. I get that. I'm 6'3" and never give my personal security much thought. My son is 6'7" and would give anyone second thoughts before they attempted to take something from him. When I sent my last two daughters out to college I gave them the speeches about awareness and being alert to their environment. While I hope we advance, it is clear the journey is nowhere near complete. And shame on me, I guess I fall in the naive and fail to notice groups, which means I have more work to do on myself as well. This highlight is longer and more rambly than I had intended, but again, let me say, let's treat all our colleagues with the dignity that every human deserves. Read more at eDiscoveryToday: Incidents of Sexual Harassment in Legal Technology Are Coming to Light

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