Publisher's Note

My first hundred days as Publisher here at MCC have been incredibly rewarding. I’ve received so many emails from you with fabulous feedback and suggestions. I encourage all of you to please email me at [email protected] or call me at 908.654.4840 with any comments, questions or suggestions. And, of course, if there are any special topics that are of interest, please let us know and our Editorial Team will take them under consideration.

In this issue there is a lot of information designed to help readers plan for growth and mitigate risk, two high priorities for corporate counsel. Our cover feature explores the ins and outs of state sales tax related to software and other IT purchases that cross virtual and physical state lines. Also in this issue you will find special sections focused on the Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) sector and the EU. We have some excellent contributions, including a terrific infographic from Acritas, a research firm that regularly surveys GCs, CLOs and other in-house leaders across industries. You can also read about cybersecurity issues confronting the TMT sector, as well as hot issues facing telecommunications providers. For those of you doing deals across borders, learn about the localization of global deal-making and how many deals fall apart for lack of knowledgeable, local boots on the ground.

You will also find in this issue an insightful interview discussing risk management at the board level and how directors should be more active in strategy and corporate decision making when it comes to issues like information governance and security. And look for more information on how to prepare for data breaches by developing a written information security policy, or WISP, for your company.

In addition, we take a look at SAFEs, “Simple Agreements for Future Equity,” a new vehicle for start-up financing; present ongoing coverage of Information Governance; and explore compliance issues related to the INA’s anti-discrimination provisions.

Looking ahead, our March issue features MCC’s regular coverage of Compliance, IP, Diversity, Corporate Governance, Labor & Employment and more. We are also developing a special section on the Banking & Finance sector, which will be accompanied by a focus on both Offshore Financial Centers and Workouts/Restructuring.

Thank you for your continued support of MCC.


Kristin Calve

P.S. As we launch into 2015, we are excited to offer our readers a fresh design of our weekly email newsletter, MCCreview, which offers you editor’s picks from our print and online catalog, as well as events and other online resources. If you’re not already a subscriber, please go to to sign up today!

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