You Want AI to do What? 3 Steps for Foundational Contract Management


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While the adoption of contract management software has seen a steady rise across industries, the harsh reality is that over 50% of implementations fail in the first 12 months.

The culprit? Organizations trying to do too much, too soon. It's easy to get distracted by bells and whistles and forget to do the foundational work: mitigating risk and ensuring compliance.
Join us for a 30-minute webcast to see how these 3 foundational steps establish a successful contract lifecycle management program:

- Capture your contract data in a centralized place
- Activate the data with automated alerts and standardized workflows
- Analyze and advance contract performance with actionable KPIs

While AI holds tremendous potential, it’s important to start with the basics to achieve tangible ROI, including time savings, risk mitigation, and complete visibility.