Technology-Assisted Investigations in the GenAI Era


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Imagine it is the future. You are on a legal team in-house and there is a claim you need to evaluate. You receive the claim, complaint, or whisteblower letter and paste it into a prompt. The machine thinks for a minute. It then summarizes the case and identifies 30-50 key documents that support the summarization going issue by issue. It identifies key people, organizations, and even places where things are said to have happened.

Except it isn’t the future. It’s actually today.

OpenText Axcelerate with Aviator automates what is otherwise a slow and expensive process of finding and summarizing key documents by using generative AI so that you can quickly uncover critical facts buried under mountains of digital data and proactively manage risks and costs for investigations, regulatory compliance, and litigation.

Join Adam Kuhn, Principal Solution Consultant, for a live demonstration of the latest technology available in OpenText Axcelerate, the very same eDiscovery application pioneered Predictive Coding and TAR over a decade ago.