More Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Articles


New Developments In Successful Partnering In 2012

Effective partnering between inside and outside counsel enables corporate law departments to improve the quality and reduce the costs of legal services provided to corporate clients. The best-known source of expert guidance on partnering is the four-volume, 7,000-page treatise and practice guide...

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Board of Directors

The Evolving Role And Expectations Of The Chief Ethics And Compliance Officer

The role of the chief ethics and compliance officer has evolved to become a vital member of the senior management team in many organizations. During the 2012 Global Ethics Summit, an event focused on providing insight and best practices in the continually changing regulatory environment worldwide...

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New Swap Data Recordkeeping And Reporting Rules

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has issued a final rule[1] regarding reporting and recordkeeping with respect to swaps. The effective date of the rule is March 13, 2012; compliance dates are dependent upon the completion of other CFTC rulemakings. I. Reporting Of Swaps A....

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