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London: An Ideal Venue For UK And Cross-Border M&A

Editor: What is the government’s view on the existence of a debt crisis in the UK? King: The government’s view is that there certainly is a debt crisis and that the previous government left Britain in an over-indebted state. The current government has introduced a series of...

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Civil Justice

Challenging Federal Agency Rulemakings

Editor: What is the importance of the recent decision by the D.C. Circuit in Business Roundtable v. SEC? Tarbert: The Business Roundtable decision is important as the proverbial shot across the bow of agencies undertaking rulemaking under the Dodd-Frank Act or any other analysis that...

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Finance | Private Equity

What’s Keeping U.S. Corporate Counsel Up At Night?

The Editor attended the Lawyers for Civil Justice 2011 Membership Meeting on November 30, 2011 – December 2, 2011. The following report covers a roundtable discussion on regulatory and document preservation challenges, including some proposed solutions. The panelists were Edward P. O’...

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