More Pro Bono Articles

Corporate Social Responsibility

CBS Corporation’s Pro Bono Program: A Priority And An Asset

Editor: Please describe CBS Corporation’s philosophy on corporate social responsibility. Briskman: Our company is strongly committed to serving the public throughout the many communities in which we operate, as well as the wider world arena. Currently, CBS is the number-one watched...

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International Trade

Thomson Reuters Foundation And DLA Piper - A Winning Team

Editor: Monique, please tell us about your role at TrustLaw and any major developments since we last spoke in November 2011. Has TrustLaw’s membership grown, and have you established any new programs? Villa: Our membership is growing fast. Today, we have more than 700 members of which 230...

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Corporate Counsel

TrustLaw Fosters Pro Bono, Women’s Rights And Global Education

Editor: Please tell us why Thomson Reuters set up TrustLaw and about its mission. Villa: Launched in July, 2010, TrustLaw is the newest among many programs established by Thomson Reuters Foundation. Its mission is to spread the practice of pro bono beyond the five countries in which it already...

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