More Privilege Articles


Court Gets the Diversity Case Choice of Law Analysis Right: Part I

As in other areas, a privilege analysis should always start with a choice of law assessment. In federal courts, federal common law governs federal question cases' privilege issues. In diversity cases, many federal courts reflexively apply their host jurisdiction's privilege law. This is wrong.

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Copying a Lawyer on an Email Does Not Assure Privilege Protection, but That Lawyer Can Increase the Odds

Lawyers should remind their clients that copying a lawyer on an email does not automatically render the email privileged. But the story doesn't end there.

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Can the Privilege Protect Documents Prepared by Someone Who Has Never Hired a Lawyer?

The attorney-client privilege protects communications between clients and their lawyers. But in certain admittedly limited circumstances, the protection can apply to documents created by someone who has not yet hired a lawyer.

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