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The Strange Fiction of Rule 30(b)(6)

Under Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6), a litigant seeking a corporate adversary's deposition may insist that the corporation designate an individual to testify on the corporation's behalf about designated topics. The concept makes sense, because otherwise the litigant may have to depose numerous employees (who may or may not have the pertinent knowledge). But in practice, Rule 30(b)(6) depositions essentially rely on a fiction.

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Corporations May Risk Waiving Privilege Protection When Communicating With Their Own Board Members

It seems obvious that corporations do not waive privilege protection by disclosing privileged communications to their own board members. But what about outside board members receiving such communications where they work or live?

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Texas Federal Court Applies the “At Issue” Waiver Doctrine

Clients can waive their privilege protection by intentionally or accidentally disclosing privileged communications, or by explicitly relying on privileged communications (such as pleading “advice of counsel” as a defense). They can also waive their privilege protection without disclosure and without such explicit references.

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