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Government Contracts

U.S. Supreme Court Upends Bayh-Dole - Federal Contractors And Grant Recipients Must Tie Up Employee Inventions Or Risk Losing Right To Retain Ownership Of Inventions Developed With Federal Funds

Pop Quiz: When The Government Pays For Know-How, Who Owns It?You're Wrong. It's Not The Government. A fundamental understanding shared by both new recipients of federal research and development funds and some of its most experienced grant recipients and contractors is that if the...

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Intellectual Property

High Tide For False Patent Marking Claims?

False patent marking claims under 35 U.S.C. § 292, claims that unpatented products or services have been mislabeled, have been the scourge of corporate counsel for the past two years. Recent rulings from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (the federal appeals court with...

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Intellectual Property

Patent Litigation Against Ex-Employees Turned Competitors: The Benefits And Challenges Of Assignor Estoppel

When a former employee/inventor of one company joins the competition to launch a new product line, patent litigation typically ensues. The plaintiff often alleges that its former employee turned competitor has infringed the same patents that name him or her as an inventor. In the usual patent...

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