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Artificial Intelligence

New Law Leverages Nontraditional Approaches to Improve Outcomes

Robin Snasdell, managing director at Consilio, discusses the concept of “new law,” how technology is transforming various legal processes, and where improvements can still be made in the future.

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Is Your Early Case Assessment Process Hurting Your Case?

Early case assessment (ECA) is crucial to developing a winning strategy. Wendy Cole, product marketing director, legal tech with OpenText, explains how Axcelerate Investigation is helping organizations regain control of their ECA process and quickly assess the merits of their case.

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Diversity & Inclusion

Supporting Black Businesses: How One Firm Is Making a Difference

After a tumultuous year that shined a harsh spotlight on racial injustice, corporations are exploring ways to support black communities. Ade Bakare and Esch McCombie, of McNees Wallace and Nurick, LLC, have some ideas.

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Recent Innovation Video

Corporate Counsel

Legal Leadership in the Next New Normal, An Interview with Ralph Baxter