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DOL’s New Labor Certification Registry Means Broad Public Disclosure

A corporate human resources manager recently picked up her phone to an exuberant greeting. On the other end was a foreign national employee moments after he discovered that the labor certification filed by the company on his behalf – the first-chance step in the employment-based green card...

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Immigration Reform Needs The House

The Senate appears to be on a steady track to advance comprehensive immigration reform, and the focus has migrated from whether comprehensive reform will pass the Senate to the size of the margin and the exact contents. Key provisions for America’s employers – and its economic...

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Truths And Myths About The Senate Immigration Bill

On April 16, 2013, the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act” was introduced in the United States Senate. The bill was the result of months of work by the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” senators, and is the first major effort at...

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