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A Volcker Rule Primer For Non-Financial Corporate Counsel

One overlooked Dodd-Frank Act regulation that non-financial companies should look at is the Volcker Rule banning proprietary trading. Proprietary trading is when a financial firm uses its own funds, rather than its customer’s funds, to purchase debt instruments, securities,...

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Finance | Private Equity

What’s Keeping U.S. Corporate Counsel Up At Night?

The Editor attended the Lawyers for Civil Justice 2011 Membership Meeting on November 30, 2011 – December 2, 2011. The following report covers a roundtable discussion on regulatory and document preservation challenges, including some proposed solutions. The panelists were Edward P. O’...

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Civil Justice

LCJ Initiatives For E-Discovery, FRCP And The Future

Editor: Please tell us some of the highlights of the recent LCJ meeting in New York City. Marchetti: This was really an excellent membership meeting for LCJ in that the program was current and informative, and the turnout was also superb. There were some 150 corporate counsel and defense...

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