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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Shell Groups’ Top In-House Lawyer Endorses CPR Institute’s 21st Century Pledge

Editor: Why is ADR important to Shell, and how have you incorporated it into your law department’s culture? Rees: We deal with corporations around the world. Inevitably, given the large number of contracts we enter into, there are going to be some disputes because that is the nature of...

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Corporate Counsel

The Beauty Pageant

“It becomes about managing managers! Hire top quality managers. It’s about hiring ‘A’ players. ‘A’ players make all the difference! Effective leaders hire the ‘A.’ A’s are never too expensive … lesser-level hires are always too...

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Corporate Counsel

City Bar: A Dynamic Leader Steps Down

Editor: Barbara, it is hard to believe that you are retiring. Tell us about your career at the City Bar. Opotowsky: I don’t think of it as retiring. I’m just starting a new chapter, and we will see where that leads. As you know, since you have been involved for many years, the...

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