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A New Voice for the Voice of the Defense Bar

DRI President Toyja Kelley's path to leadership started with an issue he was passionate about and continues to champion: diversity.

CCBJ: How did you become involved with DRI?

Toyja Kelley: My first law firm required all of its associates to become members of...

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Career Development

Looking Back: A World Turned Upside Down, 2009-2013

Digging out and stepping up, in-house counsel take the wheel.

As the magnitude of the financial crisis became apparent, the corporate community fretted over the risks of overreaction. Lawmakers and regulators discussed an array of changes in oversight and governance that, if adopted, would...

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Career Development

The More Things Change for Law Firms, the More Important Values Become

As work-life balance gives way to work-life flexibility, painting with broad strokes is a losing management strategy, says Bob Grand, managing partner of Barnes & Thornburg.

Understanding diverse perspectives, motivations and behaviors has always been an essential part of managing a law...

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