More Board of Directors Articles

Board of Directors

The Evolving Role And Expectations Of The Chief Ethics And Compliance Officer

The role of the chief ethics and compliance officer has evolved to become a vital member of the senior management team in many organizations. During the 2012 Global Ethics Summit, an event focused on providing insight and best practices in the continually changing regulatory environment worldwide...

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Book Review: Indispensable Counsel: The Chief Legal Officer In The New Reality

There’s an old saying: “Out with the old, and in with the new.” "Indispensable Counsel" suggests a new turn of this old phrase for corporate law practitioners, jurists, educators, students, and anyone interested to learn about this dynamic field of law: Authors E...

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Questions To Ask When Your Director Or Executive Officer Wants To Join Another Board

Introduction Counsel for public companies are often asked to assist in vetting new candidates for a board of directors. Just as important is reviewing the issues that arise when a current director or executive officer (the candidate) of a public company (Company A) is asked to join the board of...

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