More Board of Directors Articles

Board of Directors

Fiduciary Duties of Directors in Latin America

Introduction The board of directors of a corporation is the principal body ultimately responsible for the corporation’s management. Compliance with fiduciary duties to the corporation and shareholders is a matter not to be taken lightly and can come as a source of stress, especially...

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Board of Directors

Corporate Sustainability – The Board’s Role in Oversight: Protecting a company’s social license to operate

MCC: People often think of corporate sustainability activities in terms of environmental, energy or corporate philanthropy-related issues. How does NACD define sustainability? Bew: Broadly speaking, the terms “corporate sustainability” or “corporate social responsibility...

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Board of Directors

Expecting the Unexpected: How to Prepare for, Respond to, and Survive a Search Warrant

It is a company's worst nightmare. Out of the blue, government agents appear at the reception desk armed with a search warrant, demanding access to company emails, files and other proprietary data. Employees soon notice and become increasingly anxious and agitated as agents comb through their...

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