More Bankruptcy & Restructuring Articles

Bankruptcy & Restructuring

Bankruptcy Court Upholds Patent Protections In Cross-Border Case

On October 28, 2011, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia issued an opinion with significant ramifications for any holder of a patent license that operates internationally. At issue was an important protection afforded to patent licensees under the United States...

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Bankruptcy & Restructuring

Intellectual Property And Bankruptcy: Strategies For Intellectual Property Licensees Who Depend Upon The Use Of Complementary Trademarks When A Licensor Files For Bankruptcy

The bankruptcy of a licensor can dramatically impact the rights of an intellectual property licensee. As discussed below, that impact can be particularly acute when the value of an intellectual property license is dependent upon the continued use of a trademark because the Bankruptcy Code...

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Bankruptcy & Restructuring

Caveat Licensees And Suppliers When Entering Cross-Border Agreements

Knowing how U.S. bankruptcy courts will treat creditors in bankruptcies of cross-border companies should be key to defining the business relationship at the time of entry into a license agreement or contract, well before a bankruptcy ensues. Therefore, licensees should watch closely the outcome...

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