More Anti-Corruption Articles


Forensic Experts Discuss Key FCPA Issues And Compliance Strategies For The Real World

Editor: How are companies responding to increased global regulatory coordination and sophistication with regard to anti-bribery and corruption (“ABC”) enforcement efforts? deGrasse: The government’s enforcement efforts certainly have become more sophisticated. The DoJ and SEC...

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To Catch A Thief: Forensic Experts Weigh In On The Fraudster Profile

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Glusman: I’ve been a CPA for 42 years. I started in traditional public accounting with a large national firm, during which time I inadvertently worked on my first fraud event as a traditional auditor by stepping into a situation...

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Reviewing Trade Through A Different Lens – The Middle East

Editor: Please tell our readers about the trade areas about which you advise both corporate and government clients. When did you start this practice? Soliman: I started practicing about 13 years ago in Washington, DC with Akin Gump, a firm I found attractive because of its reputation as a...

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