LexisNexis CounselLink launches white paper on how legal departments are planning for 2021

The 2020 pandemic triggered all sorts of personal and professional challenges for which none of us were prepared. Corporate legal professionals have been forced to work from home while simultaneously managing the challenges of conducting Zoom meetings, learning the art of homeschooling their kids, and keeping tabs on isolated family members.

From a business standpoint, the economic impact brought on by government-mandated shutdowns of entire economic sectors has been severe, but the signs of recovery in the second half of the year have been encouraging. From a public health standpoint, the continued trajectory of the stubborn virus is disconcerting, but scientific progress on new treatments and potential vaccines has been swift and global in scale.

So, looking ahead to 2021, how are in-house legal professionals supposed to prepare for a year that we enter with more questions than answers? What is the process they should follow to make sure they are setting the right priorities and maximizing their allocated resources when there are so many variables that could change in the next 12 months? It is not hyperbolic to say that this is the most uncertain corporate planning season we have faced inrecent memory.

“Using last year’s budget as a starting point for mapping out next year’s legal department spend isn’t going to cut it anymore, not during the COVID-19 pandemic,” reported Corporate Counsel magazine.

The purpose of this white paper is to provide corporate legal professionals with helpful insights that can help guide their strategic planning for the year ahead. These insights were collected from your peers through a variety of research methods, including the assembly of an informal virtual roundtable session hosted by the LexisNexis® CounselLink® team in October 2020.

Click here to view the white paper.