ACC Annual Meeting To Address Pressing Business, Data Privacy And Regulatory Issues In Global Economy

The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), a global bar association representing more than 34,000 in-house counsel in 89 countries, will host the 2014 ACC Annual Meeting in New Orleans, October 28-31. The ACC Annual Meeting, which is the largest gathering of corporate lawyers worldwide, will highlight professional development, business challenges and the wide variety of issues facing in-house counsel, both now and in the coming months.

The ACC Annual Meeting will cover topics including ethics, energy, law department management, securities compliance and technology. To address some of these pressing issues, ACC will host a “Chair’s Choice” session, where chief compliance officers, general counsel and regulators will discuss the implications of dividing a company’s compliance and legal functions – a growing movement at some corporations. Additional session topics and panels include:

· Multiple panels on ethical employment and labor law investigations, litigation and trends

· A discussion on crisis management and how to respond when natural or man-made disasters strike

· Programming on managing health care reform and related ethics, data privacy and fiduciary duties

· A contracts “hackathon” to collaborate and design processes for handling contracts and negotiations

· Insights from government regulators, such as the SEC, on current enforcement trends, with special focus on attorney-client privilege