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"Interoperability," Not " Interchangeability" The Importance Of A Proper Approach To Defining And Achieving "Interoperability" To Enhance Competition, Innovation, And Consumer Choice In The Information Technology Marketplace IT Industry Circa 2004 - Signi

In today's highly dynamic information technology (IT) marketplace, businesses and other organizations routinely deploy heterogeneous IT networks consisting of hardware and software from multiple vendors. In such an environment, interoperability is a technical and business imperative. It is also a...

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Eighteen Safeguards To Corporate Self-Investigation

Introduction Over the past several years, there appears to have been an increasing need for investigations into potential accounting issues at public companies. The need has corresponded, not surprisingly, with an upsurge in reported restatements of financial statements. Where such a restatement...

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Worse Than Zero-Sum Trading: How U.S. Discretionary Administration Of The Dumping Laws Takes Away The Benefits Of Free Trade Agreements

The Bush Administration has been engaged in a substantial campaign to negotiate new agreements that are intended to liberalize global trade. While multilateral negotiations in the Doha Round that would affect trade among all nations are bogged down in disputes over agricultural subsidies and...

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Proposal To Require Registration Of Advisers To Hedge Funds

In a three-to-two vote,1 the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") proposed a new rule and rule amendments that, if adopted, would require advisers to certain private investment pools, such as hedge funds, to register with the SEC under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the...

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SEC Reacts To Scandals By Amending Rules For Investment Advisers' And Investment Companies' Codes Of Ethics

As a result of recent scandals in the investment management industry, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") has been revisiting the regulatory structure that applies to investment companies and investment advisers. As part of that effort, the SEC recently adopted and amended...

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Understanding Senators Kerry And Edwards On Trade Policy: Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself

The news on July 6 that Democratic presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (MA) had selected North Carolina Democratic Senator John Edwards to be his vice-presidential running mate in the November 2 U.S. elections did not come as a surprise to policy analysts in Washington, D.C. Kerry needed a...

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A Rare Occurrence: Willkie Attorney Wins Recusal Motion To Disqualify Judge

Editor: Can you please tell us about your career as a litigator? Mancino: I have been with Willkie since 1982 and before that I was a summer associate at the firm. I have spent my entire career with this great firm and have had a varied and interesting litigation practice over the years. I'm...

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