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All OSS Developers Are Equal, But Some OSS Developers Are More Equal Than Others!

The Open Source Software ("OSS") community was founded on the notion that any party can use, modify and further distribute OSS, so long as that party contributes back to the OSS community the human-readable "source code" of any changes/ enhancements made to the software. Unfortunately, the Free...

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Pizzazz In Your Diligence, A Structure That Works, And Other Lessons From Recent M&A Cases - Part II

Part I of this article, which appeared in the March 2008 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, discussed the antifraud and the risk allocation paradigms for dealing with disclosure obligations and liability disclosure, summarized below. Please visit to view...

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Pizzazz In Your Diligence, A Structure That Works, And Other Lessons From Recent M&A Cases - Part I

The recent "credit crunch" and the stress that it places on the M&A marketplace has increased the number of broken deals in which buyers seek to exit transactions due to frustrated expectations. As these busted deals lead to litigation, important lessons that can be of value to M&A...

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The Power Of Choice: Massachusetts Wisely Embraces Multiple Document Format Standards To Drive Greater Competition And Innovation

A "document format" (also known as a "file format") is a particular way to encode information for storage in a computer file.1Numerous document formats exist for encoding and storing the same type of information in word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and other document types. Such document...

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A Telescopic World-View Of Compliance

Editor: I understand you were named by a very distinguished group of thought-leaders to be among the "100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics." What achievements brought you to the attention of this group? Weinstein: My guess as to what they found most interesting would include my role as a...

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The SEC Releases Report On Executive Compensation Disclosure - Things To Consider For The 2008 Proxy Season

In 2006, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") adopted dramatic changes to the disclosure requirements for executive and director compensation in proxy statements and other SEC filings. The changes represented a major revision of those disclosure requirements and were "intended to...

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Seventh Circuit Emphasizes Necessity For Timely Selection Of Party Arbitrator

Experienced reinsurance litigators know that selecting the right arbitrator can be the key to a favorable outcome in a reinsurance arbitration. A knowledgeable and sympathetic arbitrator can be the voice of reason and persuasion that ultimately sways a panel's decision. Hence, a party's right to...

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