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Involving Clients, Partners And Associates In Partnering To Achieve The Most Effective Cost Control

James W. Quinn, an accomplished trial lawyer, co-chairs Weil Gotshal's 500-lawyer global Litigation practice. Editor: What is the firm's attitude with respect to hourly rates? Quinn: In the wake of the financial crisis, the world has changed significantly. Consequently, there are enormous...

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New Rules: SEC Approves Enhanced Compensation & Governance Disclosures For 2010 Proxy Season - Part I

Part II of this article, dealing with Expansion of Disclosure Requirements Related To Compensation, will appear in the March, 2010 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. Recently, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved measures that expand required disclosures in the areas...

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Private Equity:Shaken, Not Broken

This past year the private equity industry was shaken but not broken. The year began badly with the full gloom of the credit crunch with new loans virtually unavailable for acquisition financing. During the year private equity sponsors navigated, among other obstacles, difficult fundraising...

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Practicing Diversity: A 25-Year Tradition At Weil

Editor: In 2009, Weil, Gotshal celebrated 25 years of maintaining a diversity policy, the first major law firm to adopt such a policy. How do you account for this early emphasis on diversity for the Firm? Moore: In many ways, it is the history of the Firm. Back in the 1930s, Weil was founded by...

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New Rules: SEC Approves Enhanced Compensation & Governance Disclosures for 2010 Proxy Season

Yesterday, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved measures that expand required disclosures in the areas of executive compensation and corporate governance, just in time for the 2010 proxy season. A copy of the SEC's adopting release is available at

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Congressional Watch: House Passes Sweeping Wall Street Reform Bill Including Governance Provisions On "Say-on-Pay," Compensation Committee Independence And S.E.C. Proxy Access Authority

On December 11, 2009 the House passed The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (the "Wall Street Reform Act")1in a 223-202 vote.2Among the bill's governance changes are provisions regarding shareholder "say on pay," independent compensation committees and proxy access.3Introduced...

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RiskMetrics/ISS Issues Policy Updates For 2010 Proxy Season: Expect More Negative Vote Recommendations In Uncontested Director Elections

On November 19, 2009, RiskMetrics Group issued updates to its proxy voting policy that will be applicable to shareholder meetings held on or after February 1, 2010. The policy updates that are applicable to U.S. companies are available at

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