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Regulatory & Compliance

One Year After Passage, Warning Flags Fly For Hurricane Dodd-Frank

It's been a year since the storm clouds began to gather in the form of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act known simply as "Dodd-Frank" - the so-called reform bill held up as the fix to the problems that created the economic crisis of 2008. Opponents of...

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Here Come The Regulators: The Aftermath Of The 2010 Elections

The midterm elections on November 2, 2010 produced some of the most dramatic results in American political history. Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives by picking up over 60 seats in that chamber, the largest gain of seats by either party in over 60 years. Republicans also...

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Say NO to Government Subsidies For Frivolous Litigation

Taxes are a major topic of debate in Washington right now.Faced with a massive federal deficit, some politicians have proposed raising taxes on individuals and businesses, despite the obvious negative effects of tax increases on economic growth and job creation. Yet at the same time, some in...

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