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Labor & Employment

Taking the Right Path to Job Growth

Ask just about anyone in America today what they view as the top issue facing the country and you’re likely to hear one word: jobs. With an unemployment rate stuck above nine percent, the question of how to create more jobs is indeed a pressing one. Although many different proposals have...

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Labor & Employment

Boeing Complaint: Unprecedented Attempt To Expand NLRB Authority Over Economic Activity

At a town hall meeting on May 11, the President urged America's employers to "step up" and start hiring more workers. Perhaps that statement should have been amended to clarify that this hiring should take place in particular locations and among particular workers. This is the...

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The Ambiguous FCPA: In Need Of Updates And Clarifications

Imagine if a foreign government defined employees of General Motors and AIG as "foreign officials" of the United States government because the government owns portions of the companyor called Bloomberg Media employees "foreign officials" because 85 percent of the company is...

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Immigration Policy Priorities

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's priorities in advocating for the needs of employers concerning immigration revolve around six priority issues: Worker Visas. The Chamber will advocate for continuing and expanding temporary worker programs for highly skilled workers and securing additional...

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Legislation Through Regulation: Labor's Plan B Unfolds

Organized labor's prospects looked bright at the start of the 111th Congress. The crown jewel of their agenda, the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) looked primed for passage. But celebration soon turned to despair, as opposition to EFCA proved broad-based and bipartisan. Ultimately,...

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The Regulatory Tsunami

The Editor offers excerpts from the 2011 State of American Business Address delivered by Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, on January 11, 2011. [To successfully improve our economy], we must rein in excessive regulations and reform the regulatory process. At...

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Progeny Of Dodd-Frank

On July 21, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Congress passed Dodd-Frank in response to the financial crisis, but its reach extends into every nook and cranny of the American economy. While Dodd-Frank spans over 2,300...

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