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Corporate Counsel

What To Look For In An ELM Provider

Corporate legal departments face diverse challenges: providing effective counsel to internal clients, supervising outside counsel work and managing risk for the organization. And they generally must achieve these objectives within the constraints of limited internal resources and a fixed budget...

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Corporate Counsel

Inside, Outside Or Outsource? Finding The Right Balance – A Survey Of Nearly 600 Corporate Counsel

Managing budgets is a task that few look forward to, and now even less so as pressures on law departments have been intensifying. Outside counsel costs are often a particular pain point. Outside counsel rates can be dizzying at times, and cases of greater complexity and duration have been known...

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Corporate Counsel

Without Legal Spend And Matter Management Software, It’s Hard To Know What’s Going On In Your Legal Department

Increasingly, law departments must justify spend, show efficiency and demonstrate the value and savings to upper management just like other departments within a company. While accounts payable (A/P) software can report on basic spending categories, it is unable to track vital data that is...

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Strategies For Leveraging Legal Research Technology To Improve The Bottom Line And Efficiency

General counsel and corporate law departments are at the nexus of numerous key business decisions that impact corporate strategy and day-to-day operations. These include due diligence for acquisitions and other transactions, corporate finance, governance, regulatory compliance, contract...

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Corporate Counsel

Latest Trends And Best Practices In Managing Outside Counsel

The need for better management of outside counsel has never been greater. In fact, reducing outside counsel costs has consistently been among the most pressing issues identified in recent ACC/Serengeti Legal Department Surveys. But it’s not only a matter of reducing costs. Improved...

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Manufacturing | Technology

Predictive Coding Today: Before You Jump In, What Should You Consider?

Predictive coding, the term used to describe the use of machine learning tools in document review, has taken center stage in today’s e-discovery world. Counsel have been inundated with countless predictive coding seminars, demonstrations, conferences and papers. In discussions with clients...

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A Conversation On The Taxi Cab Theory Of Law Department Economics

While recently attending one of the innumerable conferences we all seem to end up at these days, I ran into an old friend whose job (when he’s not busy attending conferences) is running a corporate law department. He’s the same colorful fellow who once said to me, borrowing a quote...

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