L. Gino Marchetti, Jr.

Taylor, Pigue, Marchetti & Mink, PLLC

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Recently by L. Gino Marchetti, Jr.


For LCJ, A Year Of Major Accomplishments

Editor: The Lawyers for Civil Justice May Membership Meeting attracted two federal district judges, one state supreme court justice, an Obama administration cabinet member, and a former U.S. attorney general as well as numerous legal academics and a broad array of corporate counsel and defense...

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Civil Justice

LCJ Initiatives For E-Discovery, FRCP And The Future

Editor: Please tell us some of the highlights of the recent LCJ meeting in New York City. Marchetti: This was really an excellent membership meeting for LCJ in that the program was current and informative, and the turnout was also superb. There were some 150 corporate counsel and defense...

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LCJ: Goals For The Future

Editor: Why is it that Lawyers for Civil Justice (LCJ) is able to attract high-level judges and renowned speakers to its meetings as you did recently at your Washington, DC May meeting? Marchetti: For LCJ, these annual meetings represent an exchange of ideas, and our guest speakers share their...

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