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The Changing Landscape For Mechanics' Lien Waivers In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, like many other states, has provided mortgagees with broad protection from intervening mechanics' lien filings. This protection was granted under the Pennsylvania Mechanics' Lien Law of 1963, 49 P.S. 1101 et seq . ('PMLL'). This summer Gov. Rendell signed into law the Pennsylvania...

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Executives In The Political Arena: Perils And Tribulations

A new election season is upon us, which brings to mind the little considered, but potentially perilous, phenomenon of the corporate executive turned elected official. In New Jersey, the former chairman and chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs, Jon Corzine, became a U.S. senator, and is now...

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Project Rainbow: Aspiring To Meet The Highest Expectations Of The Profession

Editor: Ms. Galante, would you tell our readers something about your background and professional experience? Galante: I have been a lawyer since 1979. My entire legal career has been with Stradley Ronon. I have been a partner in the business group since 1987 and served as chair of the firm's...

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The Federal Circuit Bar Association Comes Of Age

Editor: Mr. Casey, would you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Casey: Like many people in the intellectual property field, I began my career as an engineer. I have three technical degrees and worked as an engineer with General Electric for four years. Several GE in-...

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Working With Lobbyists: The "Intersection" Of Government, Politics And The Corporation

I was told years ago by an astute CEO of a major utility, that there were few business executives or counsel who knew how to navigate the intersection of business, government and politics. The reasons some corporations struggle to maneuver through this unique environment can vary. Often, senior...

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EPA Addresses 'Due Diligence' In Real Estate Transactions

Background: Securing Liability Protection To anyone seeking to purchase or develop real estate, a rule recently promulgated by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should be of interest. The rule was published in the Federal Register on Nov. 1, 2005 (70 Fed. Reg. 66069, to be...

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Licensed To Defraud?

Can a person misrepresent or withhold material information from settlement negotiations, and later have a court enforce a settlement agreement and release that was procured through such fraud or nondisclosure? Some courts, in limited contexts, have answered this question in the affirmative. These...

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