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Recent Developments in the Commercial Division of the New York State Supreme Court (Part II)

Last year, the author reported on the many then-recent changes that had taken place in the Commercial Division of the New York State Supreme Court to ensure the expeditious resolution of business cases. These included (a) an increased monetary threshold for assignment of cases to the Commercial...

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Civil Justice

Keeping Current: The New York State Supreme Court Commercial Division: Past, Present, And Future

In 1995, under the leadership of then-Chief Judge Judith Kaye, New York State established the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court. Upon its creation, the Commercial Division was one of the first state court trial divisions devoted entirely to business cases. Fast forward almost 20 years...

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Civil Justice

State Courts: At The Forefront Of The United States Justice System

LCJ: What is the condition of state court systems, and why is this an important issue? Lippman: The courts, especially state courts, are essential to our system of government and our way of life. They are pillars in our society and should be as high a priority as are other institutions, such as...

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Improving New York's Administration Of Justice In Difficult Times

Editor: Thank you for taking the time to bring our readers up to date on important issues affecting the courts and the administration of justice in New York State. I understand that there has been a very important development in connection with judicial compensation. Can you fill us in on the...

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